The health benefits of eating together


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You might think what you eat and when are the only factors that play into the health of your diet. But recent research has shown that who you eat with can also play a role. And it could even make your food taste better!

In today’s short episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan and Sarah ask: Can eating with other people really improve your food? 

Studies referenced in today’s episode: 

  • Associations of family feeding and mealtime practices with children's overall diet quality, published in Appetite here
  • ‘Diet and Health Benefits Associated with In-Home Eating and Sharing Meals at Home’ from International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health here
  • ‘The Protective Role of Family Meals for Youth Obesity: 10-year Longitudinal Associations’ from the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services here

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This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions.