How To Become The Highest Paid Life Coach In The UK - guest Michael Serwa


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Guest: Michael Serwa

Welcome to another episode of Marketing MasterClass podcast. My guest today is Michael Serwa – the highest paid life coach in the UK, author of the book “From Good To Amazing”.

- How did he achieve his success? What was his master plan? A little over 5 years ago he would have only earned 20 pounds per session.
- Why he recommends taking your time – is that really the solution?
- Is being obsessed good for your business?
- Discover how to become a great coach?
- Would you work for free in your current business/ job?
- Choose your clients wisely – can you be picky when you first start out?
- When is the best time to think about your own branding?
- First things first – think about the customers!
- How to position yourself to charge premium prices?
- The exact way to create a relationship with your client, be accessible.
- Building your tribe – Michael’s “know how” on growing and caring for your tribe.
- We explore this age-old question - Is there any way to overcome procrastination?
- Does the baby-step approach make sense in business?
- - is the place where you can find help, without spending money
- Why you should invest in your own coach and how to overcome money stopping you. Get what you need. The income may be stunning!

How to make contact with Michael:
Twitter: @M_serwa
LinkedIn: @mserwa