Martha Beck || Living with Integrity


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Today we welcome Martha Beck, who is a New York Times bestselling author, life coach, and speaker. She holds three Harvard degrees in social science. Oprah Winfrey has called her “one of the smartest women I know.” Martha is a passionate and engaging teacher, known for her unique combination of science, humor, and spirituality. Her newest book is called The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self.

In this episode, I talk to Martha Beck about integrity. According to her, we are all born true to ourselves, with our integrity intact. But then we lose sight of who we are because we try so hard to fit into our society. Martha shares advice on how to live authentically in a culture that doesn't necessarily share the same values as you. We also touch on the topics of neurodiversity, emotions, coaching, and transcendence.


Twitter: @TheMarthaBeck



02:38 Martha’s interest in coaching

04:17 Martha’s Harvard degrees

06:55 Science and eastern philosophy

13:31 Writing for Oprah’s magazine

15:13 Regaining our wildness

20:19 The Way of Integrity

25:08 Duplicity is people pleasing

31:32 Inspiration from Dante’s Divine Comedy

34:55 Enlightenment through surrender

39:25 Personal effectiveness

47:11 Suffering is a guidance mechanism 

52:27 How Martha left the LDS Mormon Church

56:27 Hold true to your integrity

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