Carter Williams: A Venture Capital Investor’s Perspective on Healthcare


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Carter Williams gives a venture capital investor’s perspective on healthcare on this addition of the Perspectives on Healthcare Podcast with Rob Oliver. Carter is from St. Louis Missouri. He is the CEO of iSelect Fund, an organization which you will learn more about throughout the interview. Carter Williams is a member of Generation X.

Just a reminder to make sure that you are subscribed to the podcast on your favorite platform. With two episodes a week, there’s plenty of interesting conversation surrounding quality healthcare and how to improve it.

Here are 3 things that stood out as Carter Williams shared a venture capital investor’s perspective on healthcare:

  • Food is health. One of the ways to address some of the significant health issues facing our country such as type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease is to look at the food that we eat.
  • Bringing nutritional counselors into your local grocery store or Walmart is one way to encourage good food choices. Nutritional guidance would work hand in hand with healthcare services.
  • As we move towards the future, Carter Williams would like to see the investment in healthcare switch from treatment to prevention. It may be possible to effectively eliminate type II diabetes.

You can follow Carter Williams and learn more about iSelect Fund through the links below:




Rob Oliver is “Your Keynote Speaker”, addressing quality healthcare, resilience and excellence in adversity. To book Rob Oliver as a speaker at your next event visit:

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Disclaimer: All opinions expressed by guests on the Perspectives on Healthcare Podcast are solely the opinion of the guest. They are not to be misconstrued as medical diagnoses or medical advice. Please consult with a licensed medical professional before attempting any of the treatments suggested.