88. GTD & AI


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How will AI impact your Getting Things Done® (GTD) practice? Listen to this episode to learn more about what Morten, Lars and our special guest Paul Vahur from Vital Learning in Estonia think about GTD and AI, including: - How do they currently see AI perhaps helping in your GTD practice - Where AI still doesn't help - What they hope to see in future AI when it comes to GTD ..and much more! Also, a quick reminder about the GTD Summer Camp 2023. All tickets have been sold, but get on the waiting list by emailing Lars ([email protected]) if you want to join. We look forward to seeing you there! More information at www.GTDSummerCamp.com Links: - Morten/Lars' channels on YouTube, if you want to watch the episodes: - Morten: https://www.youtube.com/c/MortenRøvikGTD - Lars: https://www.youtube.com/c/LarsRothschildHenriksen We really hope that this episode helps you on your GTD journey and, as always: If you have any feedback we'd love to hear from you via [email protected]. Lastly, be sure to head on over to VitalLearning.eu to learn more about GTD, Crucial Conversations and other offerings in the Nordics+!