BTP37: Be Your Own Life Coach with Kate the Daily Tarot Girl


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Have you ever faced a challenging time in your life where you felt stuck and didn't know what to do?

Sure, you could hire a life coach to help you define your personal goals, remove obstacles and chart a path forward.

Or, you could turn to your Tarot cards and become your own life coach using the Tarot and your intuition as your guide.

In this episode, I invite the Founder of the Daily Tarot Girl, Kate Fisher, to share how you can become your own life coach with Tarot. It's a beautiful process of self-inquiry, intuitive connection and vision creation.

In this interview, you'll learn:

  • Why the Tarot cards can be the best life coach you'll ever have
  • How the Tarot cards can help create your vision for your future
  • How to overcome your obstacles and identify your best path forward
  • How to connect with your intuition for personal guidance and clarity

Let's get into it…


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