Matthew, Micah and Messiah's Inheritance


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Matthew has prepared the ground. He has given us the marvelous announcement that the Davidic King had arrived. He had the right to the Messianic throne. He is the substance that all the prophecies were pointing to. The time had come. God was and is faithful. As we open Matthew chapter 2, I want to dwell on and think through the powerful promise that is quoted by Matthew from Micah. We often miss the beauty of what Matthew is thinking about because we don't go and put our eyes on the actual text that is being quoted. Look at the rest of Micah's text: And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth. When the Assyrian comes into our land and treads in our palaces, then we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight princes of men; Micah 5:4-5 And, this morning, we will celebrate this promise fulfilled. This morning we will talk about how God will use us in its continued fulfillment. Soli Deo Gloria! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, April 13, 2014