Kingdom Precursor: John the Baptist Pt. 2(Matt 3:1-3)


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May 25, 2014 • Jeff Durbin • The Kingdom of God Share Download John the Baptist plays a significant role in the New Testament record. Many will be interested to know that John the Baptist was a well-known figure in the 1st-century outside of even the New Testament record. Flavius Josephus (a Pharisee and participant in the Roman vs. Jewish war) writes about John the Baptist's death at the hands of Herod. He says: “Now some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod's army came from God, and was a very just punishment for what he did against John called the baptist [the dipper]. For Herod had him killed, although he was a good man and had urged the Jews to exert themselves to virtue, both as to justice toward one another and reverence towards God, and having done so join together in washing-” Antiquities 18.5.2 116-119 What is the significance of the John the Baptist figure in God's story? Why is it compelling that John the Baptist came preaching repentance and that he was the forerunner of Messiah? Why is it doubly significant that John the Baptist preached about the "Kingdom of Heaven" being "at hand". I think the answer will anchor your heart to Jesus and might just transform your life and the world around you. No King but Christ! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, May 25, 2014