Jesus & The Law Pt. 2


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We are now beginning a very controversial portion of the Sermon on the Mount. It is not controversial due to whether or not the Lord Jesus is sufficiently clear. No. The text presently before us is controversial due to the nature of the host of theological systems of thought we often bring to the text of God's Word. What was Jesus' attitude toward the Law of God? Does God do away with the Law He gave in the Old Testament? In what way is the Law of God fulfilled? Aren't Christians under grace? How are believers under the New Covenant supposed to relate to God's Law under the New Covenant? We hope to faithfully answer these questions and many more as we unpack this vitally important section of God's Word. My hope, as a pastor, is that God would use this study to transform us as a body and allow us to be used by Him to proclaim the excellencies of His Gospel and His Law. Soli Deo Gloria! Jeff Durbin Lead Pastor/Elder Sunday, September 27, 2015