41: Resilience Masterclass - Agustin Gonzalez - CEO, Paranoid Fan


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Agustin is the CEO of Paranoid Fan an app that shows you on a map everything you need to know. He is also the single father of 3 boys and has a truly inspiring tale of courage and resilience that will just blow you away. It was my honour to talk with him about some amazingly deep topics and huge life lessons from him on how to pick yourself up and keep going and be successful despite everything in life pushing against you. Agustin and Paranoid FanConnect on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gammatrader/)Paranoid Fan Website (http://www.paranoidfan.com/)ABOUT THE HOSTMy name is Sam Harris. I am a British entrepreneur, investor and explorer. From hitchhiking across Kazakstan to programming AI doctors I am always pushing myself in the spirit of curiosity and Growth. My background is in Biology and Psychology with a passion for improving the world and human behaviour. I have built and sold companies from an early age and love coming up with unique ways to make life more enjoyable and meaningful.Sam:Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/samjamsnaps/)Quora (https://www.quora.com/profile/Sam-Harris-58)Twitter (https://twitter.com/samharristweets)LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharris48/)Sam's blog - SamWebsterHarris.com (https://samwebsterharris.com/)Support the Show - Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/growthmindset)TOP TIPSFOCUS ON YOUR THING. DON’T GET DISTRACTED OR LET LIFE GET YOU DOWN. LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT AND KEEP MOVING!Now Agustin said this so many times during the interview I genuinely got a little frustrated and I admit I was trying to perhaps dig other insights out of him. but i was being a complete idiot because this is so bloody hard to do and so so damn important. It sounds like a fairly simple idea but it’s a nightmare to actually implement and I can easily look back at many times where i’ve been weak or unfocused on my goals and let other things get in the way. Agustin is truly a master at just living in the moment and getting the most out of live and living with a purpose he is an incredible example of what a human can do despite everything going against you. His story really puts things in perspective and if you think you have a hard time then you should really pick yourself up. take his advice and move on. TRY IDEAS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATEAgustin was worried he would become a wage slave for life if he didn’t quit his job and start trying ideas. He had numerous failures and just kept trying out different things till he finally had an idea he was able to get traction on. It’s easy to never take the risk or to give up after you fail but again it’s about not giving up and moving on relentlessly. BE MINDFUL OF OTHERSAgustin mentioned he tried to be mindful of others and I can tell you from direct experience he really is. You can’t tell from this released podcast but actually this original recording was over an hour long and boy did i murder this interview. Agustin had such incredible tips but I kept on asking stupid questions or missing the point, not helped by the fact that I was under way too much self inflicted workload stress and generally too busy. Agustin sent me such a kind email a few weeks later:bro. no worries if you need to delay the podcast or don’t publish it. it was nice chatting and no pressure. (rough abbreviation) Sounds little but it really helped me a lot and gave me a huge relief that I was able to finally give this podcast the true attention to make a good job of editing it into an actual piece of audio that makes sense and sounds like it happened in a logical order. Trust me it didn’t happen like that at all. So yea cool guy and you can really help others and turns out yourself by being nice to them BOOKSGet any of the books free on audible (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Audible-Free-Trial-Digital-Membership/dp/B00OPA2XFG?tag=samharris48%E2%80%9321)THE ALCHEMIST - PAULO COELHO (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alchemist-Fable-About-Following-Dream/dp/B0055HVN04/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2TJ1TURGWM8K1&keywords=the+alchemist&qid=1580811666&s=books&sprefix=The+alche%2Caudible%2C456&sr=1-1)Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, of recognising opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, to follow our dreams.BEYOND ENTREPRENEURSHIP - JAMES C. COLLINS (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyond-Entrepreneurship-Turning-Business-Enduring/dp/0133815269/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LD1A5TKY70H1&keywords=beyond+entrepreneurship&qid=1580811707&sprefix=beyond+entre%2Caudible%2C382&sr=8-1)This inspiring work provides entrepreneurs with building blocks to help their companies sustain high performance, play a leadership role in their industries, and remain great for generations.THE LITTLE PRINCE - ANTON DE SAINT-EXUPERY (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Prince-Antoine-Saint-Exupery/dp/1405216344/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18QDKNQ2B8PP9&keywords=the+little+prince&qid=1580811762&sprefix=the+little%2Caps%2C399&sr=8-1)It's one of the most lovely books for children or adults of all ages for some great perspectives on the world and how it really is and the silly things we care about for no good reason at all. And an interesting fact. it as written in French and is the most translated book ever of any book written in french. 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