157: Emotional Eating & Coming Back to Self Love w/ Amber Romaniuk


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Comfort foods, cheat days, guilty pleasures – Food is an emotional experience for most of us. We eat to celebrate, to destress, and sometimes to numb or escape. Today, Amber Romaniuk is sharing her experiences and advice for unpacking the love/hate relationship we have with food. Thank you to Lashify for sponsoring today’s episode! For new customers, get 10% off your entire purchase by going to lashify.com and using code TRYLASHIFY at checkout. Amber overcame her own emotional eating after gaining and losing over 1,000 lbs. Her own journey started at just 5 years old, so for her, it's been a lifetime of learning and unlearning lessons about dieting, self love and self worth, and how to build healthy coping mechanisms. Note: This episode discusses eating disorders. → Show notes & quotes at lavendaire.com/lifestyle-157