Time management is pain management - How to keep yourself motivated when working alone | Eli Alcaraz - Web designer and web developer


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Eli is a web designer and web developer based in the UK, using Webflow.

But he initially studied Engineering and to bridge the time over the holidays, he looked for a short project to make money on the side before applying for “proper” jobs.

His friend recommended a platform for remote virtual assistants. Eli applied, got a gig and was freelancing before he realised it. Soon, he figured that he made more money working remotely than he would have through one of the jobs he was planning to apply for.

Fast forward a few years and Eli is moving to the UK to be with his wife. The wedding and the move caused him to spend more money than expected and he ended up with some credit card debt. This was also the time when he came across webflow.

Despite his wife advising him not to spend money on a course, he bought a course to learn webflow. And now, it’s his bread and butter.

In this episode you’ll learn more about how Eli got into web design, how he is finding his niche and tips on how to get into the industry nowadays.

Episode Highlights

  • Eli’s love for coffee
  • Transitioning into web design
  • Moving to the UK
  • Expanding his skillsets
  • The Value of investing in Courses
  • Importance of soft skills
  • Getting help from experts and accountants
  • How to stay motivated when working remotely
  • Time management is pain management
  • Transitioning from graphic design into webdesign
  • Niching down

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Connect with Eli

Instagram @eli.webdesign

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/eli-alcaraz-61b56552/

The platform where Eli got his remote jobs while in the Philipines


The book Eli quotes about time management

Nir Eyal - Indistractable


About the Podcast

Welcome to the "Freelance Blueprint" podcast - the go to podcast for all freelancers.

If you're curious about freelancing, looking to level up your freelance game, or even if you've been freelancing for years, you're in the right place.

Hosted by Elisabeth Mayr, a freelance UX Designer, the Freelance Blueprint will equip you with everything you need to know about freelancing. We're interviewing fellow freelancers from all the corners in the world, at various stages in their careers.

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