#45: Tyler Ginn—How to Use Social Media to Actually Grow Your Business


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You know your business is supposed to be on social media, right? So you keep showing up there, posting randomly, spending time and money trying to connect with customers. But if you’re honest, all of your social media efforts don't seem to be leading to more customers or more revenue.


It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to use social media to connect with prospective customers, add new email addresses to your list, and ultimately drive more revenue for your business. In today’s conversation, Donald Miller and Tyler Ginn, Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Business Made Simple, break down the four things that most companies do wrong on social media and tell you exactly how to fix it.


Join Don and Tyler for a member-exclusive Q&A livestream on How to Drive Sales Using Social Media, Thursday, November 18th. Business Made Simple members get free access! If you're not a Business Made Simple member, go to BusinessMadeSimple.com and subscribe TODAY to get access. In the upcoming livestream you'll get a 5-step plan showing you how to use social media to actually grow revenue for your business. Plus, Don and Tyler will be answering your social media questions LIVE throughout the event. Go to BusinessMadeSimple.com, subscribe today and join us for the livestream Q&A on November 18th!




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Every week on Business Made Simple we help you discover what’s wrong with your business then show you how to fix it.