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Connecting Through Stories w/ Author Kindra Hall

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You have 10 minutes to connect with someone in front of you.
It's important.
How do you do it?
If you want the best chance at a genuine connection, you tell a story.
I know. Stories have become a buzzword of sorts.
Yet, when told properly and authentically, stories are your best way to connect with someone else. That someone may be a person in front of you or many people over digital.
For physical therapists, or actually any clinician, you have 10 minutes to connect with new patients. When a person is sitting in front of you, sharing their concerns that resulted in a visit, you MUST connect.
On this podcast, Kindra Hall the best-selling author of Stories That Stick, shares her insights on stories.
If you want to learn how to tell stories that resonate, connect, and ultimately make an impact, this is an episode you CANNOT miss.