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How Many Nuts Can You Eat on Keto?

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In this podcast, Dr. Berg answers the question of how many nuts are too many while you are doing keto (ketogenic diet). Consuming too many nuts could cause bloating or gas. Here are some reasons why.
1. You need more bile production when you consume more fat.
Eating too much fat, too quickly (especially nuts), irritates the digestive system, especially around the gallbladder and pancreas.
2. Nuts have certain anti-nutrients and chemicals that can irritate certain parts of the digestive system, specifically the bile duct.
If you are predisposed to kidney stones, certain nuts do have high oxalates. Germinating is the process where you soak the nut in the water overnight, rinsing it out and drying it out in the oven so when you consume them, it is easier to digest. Consuming raw nuts is harder for the immune system.
Recommendation: Do not consume more than ¼ of a cup of nuts per meal, and do not consume more than 1 tbs. of nut butter per meal.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 51 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional & natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government & the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning.
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