What is the Dietary Requirement for Carbohydrates?


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In this short podcast, we’re going to talk about carbs and carbohydrate requirements. 

There are no RDAs for carbs. There is no such thing as essential carbohydrates. There are essential amino acids and fatty acids but no essential carbohydrates. The definition of “essential” that I’m talking about means that your body can’t make it. It needs to get it from the diet. 

Can your body make glucose? Yes, it’s called gluconeogenesis. Some things say glucose is necessary for the brain and red blood cells. That’s true. But when you reduce glucose and cut down on carbs, your body starts burning ketones and fatty acids. The body can actually turn ketones, fat, and protein into any glucose that it needs. You do not need glucose. 

That being said, your microbes do like to eat fiber, and fiber is a carbohydrate. But, it is the only carbohydrate that has zero effect on insulin. Fiber is okay. 

A low-carb diet will do a lot of great things for you even if you consume more fat. When you lower your carbs and raise the amount of fat you consume, your cholesterol can actually go into a really good range. Your LDL may go up temporarily, but the good LDL will be high, and the bad LDL will be low.

A high carb diet may increase your risk of high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart problems. 

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:

Dr. Berg, 51 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional & natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government & the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning.

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