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How Ketones Affect Hormones and the Endocrine System

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In this podcast, we're going to talk about how ketones affect hormones and the endocrine system.
1. Insulin
Lowered insulin triggers the production of ketones. When you have high insulin, you can't get into ketosis. Carbohydrates and frequent eating are what mainly trigger insulin. Lowering your insulin and running your body on ketones can have a lot of health benefits.
2. Glucagon
Glucagon is a hormone that helps mobilize and burn fat. Glucagon is stimulated by a moderate amount of protein, intense exercise, and reduced insulin.
3. IGF-1
This is a hormone that works very similar to growth hormone. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) mobilizes fat fuel when you're not eating or when you're keeping your insulin low. When you eat, IGF-1 goes down, and insulin goes up.
4. Growth hormone
Growth hormone is an anti-aging hormone, it helps make proteins in the body, and it's a fat-burning hormone.
5. Cortisol
This is an adrenal hormone. If you go through a lot of stress, typically, your cortisol levels will be elevated. This elevated cortisol can eventually lead to a spike in insulin.
6. Thyroid hormones
When you're on keto, and you start to make ketones, you might see a drop in T3 (the active form of thyroid hormone). This is not a problem because ketones are a much more efficient fuel than glucose, so the thyroid does not have to work as hard. Even though your T3 might be down, you should feel just fine and have lots of energy.
7. Estrogen
Estrogen can increase the sensitivity to insulin. If you have low estrogen levels, you may find that you have more symptoms of insulin resistance. Some women with extra weight after menopause may actually be more estrogen dominant because fat makes estrogen. The healthy keto diet may help.
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 51 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional & natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government & the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning.
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