Why is Hypertension the Most Common Underlying COVID-19 Condition?


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In this podcast, I want to talk to you about hypertension and the coronavirus. In a recent survey, 88% of people with COVID-19 had more than one illness. After being put on a ventilator, the mortality rate jumps up to 80%. These are not promising statistics. 

Here’s the question: why is high blood pressure the primary driver of severe COVID-19 symptoms? According to one study, 69.1% of people with coronavirus also had high blood pressure. Another study showed that 53% of people coronavirus patients have HBP—it’s always at the top of the list. 

It has to do with the ACE2 receptors. ACE2 receptors are on the outside part of the cells—they are like the doors which COVID-19 can get into a cell. 

Those who have high blood pressure often take ACE inhibitors. ACE inhibitors create a situation where more of these ACE2 cells or “doors” are created, which allows for more severe COVID-19 infection. 

Keep in mind that I am NOT recommending that you come off of your medication. 

To reduce your risk of COVID-19, it’s important to get your blood pressure under control. The question is, what causes high blood pressure?

90% of high blood pressure cases are considered “essential” hypertension. What this really means is that the cause is “unknown.” However, the problem might actually be a vitamin D deficiency. Numerous studies have shown that, when you take vitamin D, your blood pressure levels stabilize. 

Following this reasoning, it’s not far off to consider that vitamin D deficiency could be the leading cause of coronavirus complications. 

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:

Dr. Berg, 51 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional & natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government & the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning.

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