Ep. 8: Fleeing a Collapsing Career, Taking Notes on Books, Building a Deep Life | DEEP QUESTIONS


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In this episode of Deep Questions I answer reader questions on fleeing a collapsing career, taking notes on books, and building a deep life. I also play some question roulette and answer the audio question of the day.

To submit your own questions, sign up for my mailing list at calnewport.com (I send a survey to this list soliciting questions on a semi-regular basis.)

Full list of topics tackled in today’s episode:

 * Fleeing a collapsing career.

 * The coming knowledge work productivity revolution.

 * Configuring your tasks.

 * Amending Deep Work.

 * Audio Question: Finding depth in a social office.

 * Taking notes on books (plus: Kindle versus physical)

  * News from social media.

  * Thoughts on LinkedIn.

  * Running a business as a student.

  * Optimal amounts of solitude.

  * Finding quality leisure.

  * How to build a deep life.

Thanks to listener Jay Kerstens for the intro music.