Ep. 83: Is Email Work?


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Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.


 - How do I concentrate in an open office? [5:27]
 - Do professors need to work 60+ hours a week? [9:10]
 - What's the best workflow for student reference letters? [17:38]
 - How does an MS student prepare to become a CS professor? [21:21]
 - How can a high school principal find time to do deep work? [25:28]


 - Can email itself be the work? [35:36]
 - Do I need constant pings and messaging to foster community? [43:27]
 - Must I stop watching TV and movies to be productive? [46:51]


 - In what order should a teenager read the Cal Newport Canon? [53:42]
 - Are Peloton badges just another digital addiction? [58:48]
 - How do I stop avoiding the need to live deeper? [1:01:36]

Link for my Clubhouse conversation with Kevin Roose (3pm Eastern on 4/1): https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/xeeZL4DE

Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music.