Ep. 195: Deep Walks


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Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to calnewport.com/podcast.

Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

CAL REACTS: His latest article for The New Yorker [16:06]


- How do I balance my walking ‘modes’ when living a Deep Life? [39:43]
- Why not recommend time-blocking for leisure? [44:09]
- LISTENER CALL: How do I avoid my phone when I’m tired? [46:57]

HABIT  TUNE-UP: WorkingMemory.txt

- LISTENER CALL: How does a manager do Deep Work? [1:10:28]
- Where do you put your extended thoughts about your life? [1:19:52]

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Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, and Mark Miles for mastering.