Speak Up! Using Your Cycle to Amplify Your Voice and Power


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Using Your Menstrual Cycle to Find Your Voice | Period Besties Podcast Welcome to the Period Besties Podcast with Stasha and Katie! In this episode, we dive deep into how your menstrual cycle can affect your verbal skills and tone. Join us as we discuss practical tips and the phases of the menstrual cycle to enhance your speech, set boundaries, and make an impact. From the Dirty Socks Principle to how hormones influence our tone and patience, this episode is a comprehensive primer. Stay tuned for an exciting interview next week with a vocal expert who was an opera singer! Comment with your thoughts and experiences on finding your voice through your cycle!   00:00 Welcome to the Period Besties Podcast 01:22 Setting the Stage for 2025 02:45 Using Your Cycle to Find Your Voice 04:54 Deep Luteal Phase and Verbal Skills 09:19 Harnessing Emotions for Change 15:44 Phases of the Cycle and Activism 22:13 The Dirty Socks Principle 28:40 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes   Todays episode is sponsored by:Period Coaching School and Katie Bressack Wellness. Email us: [email protected] Our Websites:PeriodCoachingSchool.comKatieBressack.com Instagram and Facebook:@StashaWashburn @KatieBressack  Freebies:Charting with Stasha https://ThePeriodCoach.com/etrcEating For Your Hormones Guide https://katiebressack.com/freegift/ Books:The Revolution Will Be Bloody https://ThePeriodCoach.com/RevolutionBloody Brilliant Business waitlist https://periodcoachingschool.com/bbbwaitlist/Eating For Your Hormones Recipe Book https://katiebressack.com/hormone-balancing-recipe-book/ Theme music composed, recorded, performed, engineered, mixed and mastered by Ted Wulfers 663 Sound