318 Different approaches to Pinterest Marketing


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There are so many ways to look at how to tactically approach Pinterest marketing for your business. One person may suggest more pins, or doing a deep dive in data, or simply doing less. Whatever the tactical approach it’s important to know why you’re using Pinterest for your marketing and what approaches work best for you. 

I’ve been in the industry with Carly Campbell for a long time and we have different approaches but we both desire to help entrepreneurs using Pinterest in a way that helps them grow. Our audiences success is our success. Today we’re talking about how we view Pinterest and our current view in 2023. 

January is still planning mode so make sure to pick up our 2023 Pinterest marketing planner both in print and digital. Go to https://simplepinshop.com/products/simple-pin-planner-printed 

Intro - Call to Action: Planner

Link to record (Zencastr): https://recording.zencastr.com/simplepin/simple-pin-podcast-episode-318


See full show notes for all episodes at Simple Pin Media.

Get more Pinterest Marketing Tips by https://simple-pin-media.ck.page/posts delivered every Wednesday.

Where to find more Pinterest Marketing Tips:




Learn more about the Pinterest account audit →  https://www.simplepinmedia.com/pinterest-audit/

If you’re interested in our services, book a free discovery call.

This month we’ve launched something new and exciting to help you learn how to master Pinterest marketing without breaking the bank or taking you hours. 

We’ve taken all our knowledge, experience, and data and created small Pinterest marketing learning products. From workshops, to small courses, to templates we have you covered whatever your Pinterest needs are. 

Visit simplepinshop.com