1859: How to Get Rid of the Last 5 Pounds of Body Fat, the Best Rep Range for Maximum Results, When Supplements are a Waste of Money & More (Listener Live Coaching)


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In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom.

  • Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the EASIEST ways to optimize your hormones is to simply lift weights! (3:03)
  • The guys get geeky on old sci-fi/horror films of the 80s. (12:54)
  • What percentage of men and women fantasize about murder? (16:51)
  • The pros and cons of A.I. (20:33)
  • ‘Taco floss’ is in style. (27:15)
  • What’s the deal with the Georgia Guidestones? (34:11)
  • NCI is giving away a full-ride scholarship! Apply now! (38:08)
  • Mind Pump Investments: Are NFTs dead? What is going on with the crypto markets? (41:03)
  • #ListenerLive question #1 - How can I get rid of the last 5 pounds of body fat and boost my metabolism? (49:49)
  • #ListenerLive question #2 - Is there any stuff/workout/diet or anything I should be following to keep my vertical up in volleyball? (1:01:18)
  • #ListenerLive question #3 - When is it superior or appropriate to train in one rep range solely for an amount of time (3-4 weeks) or switch every phase versus the style of hitting each rep range each workout consistently (Start with your big lift or two in lower rep ranges, then move to a lift in 8-12 range, then towards end hit the higher range/your finishers)? (1:17:27)
  • #ListenerLive question #4 - With numerous sponsored products from the show like electrolytes, vitamins, green/red drinks, CBD, pre and post-workout supplements, etc. Where does a guy start if wanting to try supplements? (1:27:30)

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