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Episode 104 – Top Tips to Get Holiday Season Ready in Your Business

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In this episode of The Bloom and Grow Show, Amber opens the show by diving in with some tips to get your business holiday season ready. First, audit your website and social media platforms to ensure they are up to date and mobile-ready. Amber also suggests testing your site for how quickly it loads because faster websites work better. Then we learn that gift cards are a marketing tactic everyone needs to employ, and sneak peeks will create excitement for your brand. Amber reveals her tricks in creating customer retention, customer acquisition, and later she advises on giving optimal customer service and keeping conversion rates high.
Enjoy the show!
Website: https://www.amberhousley.com
Test Your Website Speed: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
Checklist for a Pretty & Profitable Online Presence: https://www.amberhousley.com/podcast/
Show Notes:
Audit your website and social platforms 00:02:15
Gift cards are a marketing tactic 00:03:20
Sneak peek your holiday offerings 00:04:00
Create holiday-based imagery and graphics 00:04:40
Give thanks to your past customers 00:05:40
Small business Saturday 00:06:05
Product reviews 00:07:10
Instant responses 00:09:00
Conversion rates 00:10:15
Create a plan 11:20
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Amber Housley is a creative business and sweet life cultivator who founded her first business in 2007. Today, she's a Marketing Strategist for top creatives and influencers, producing hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue with her sales and launch strategies. Passionate about raising women to new heights, Amber shares her smart strategies with other women business owners through live and virtual trainings like the Flourish 5-day Marketing Plan Workshop and Inspired Retreat— an annual business gathering of women entrepreneurs. Her private Inspired Coterie Mastermind program is made for women want to run creative businesses efficiently, with joy, and without the expense of sacrificing family time.