Ep. 129 - I’m Back! Stepping into a New Season


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Today I’m walking you through winter, spring, summer, and fall of 2022 and how I grew as a person and as a business owner. 

2022 was a year where I needed to shed some layers. I focused on alignment and recalibration, and
I wrote a new chapter of health and wellness in my life. 


Growth and Wisdom Highlights:

  • What if flourishing wasn’t about increasing in size? What if it meant going deeper instead of wide? What if it meant being more rooted and strong?
  • Stop delegating your magic. This is your business. Own it. You built this. Stop playing small. 
  • Joy today is believing and knowing that I did my best and that God will take care of the rest.


  • What can we learn from studying codependency?
  • Want to hear my little post-coaching call prayer ritual? I think you’ll love it!
  • I tell you about my solo retreat experience, our family’s summer travels, where I turned for peace during our grief over the passing of loved ones, and how I learned to leverage nature.
  • The message of 2023: take it slow. This isn’t a race to the finish line. 

Thanks for listening! I’m happy to be back in the studio to chat with you each week!

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