Sibling aand Pregnancy Loss: Dr. Julie Shaw of Hello I’m Grieving


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Dr. Julie in her own words: "Like every grief story starts.... My sister, Jennifer lost her battle with Lupus February 2020. I was not prepared to lose her even though I whispered to her so many times that I would be ok if she had to leave us. When grief hits, you can never be prepared for the grief tsunamis that bring difficult emotions from the depths of your soul to the soft waves of beautiful memories.  I am on my grief journey and figuring out what my life will be like and who I am without my most favorite person, my big sister, in my life. She was/is a mom of two, the glue of our family, a dedicated nurse practitioner, loyal friend, and one of the toughest warriors you could have by your side. She will forever be my why to giving grief a voice and building a community through grief awareness and visibility. Thank you for being here and saying hello to grief."