Katie Joy Duke: Author of Still Breathing: My Journey with Love, Loss& Reinvention


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Katie Joy Duke is an author, attorney turned life coach, mom, and stage IV breast cancer survivor. Her memoir Still Breathing: My Journey with Love, Loss, and Reinvention was a #1 Amazon best seller in Family Health and Pregnancy and Childbirth. Read her blogs, sign up for her not-so-regular newsletter, and order a personalized signed paperback of her book at www.katiejoyduke.com. Her audiobook, which she narrated, will be released on Audible later this month—stay tuned!    https://www.amazon.com/Still-Breathing-Journey-Love-Reinvention/dp/B0B2T4XWHH/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=still+breathing+katie+joy+duke&qid=1689777744&sprefix=katie+joy+duke%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1