This Can Be DEADLY!


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Today, we’re going to talk about the most important vitamin: vitamin D! There is a lot of misinformation about vitamin D.

Vitamin D blood levels are not very well correlated with the vitamin D inside your cells. It’s also virtually impossible to get enough vitamin D from food.

There are 2 different systems for vitamin D: one for calcium and bone and one for all the non-calcium functions of vitamin D, including the immune system, prostate, skin, gut, brain, and muscles. Hardly any of the vitamin D in your blood goes into this second system!

Most research on vitamin D involves the calcium system of vitamin D and only 600 to 800 IU. This amount may be sufficient for bone health but not for the other functions of vitamin D.

Barriers to vitamin D absorption that can lead to low vitamin D include the following:

•Air pollution

•Sunscreen/Avoiding the sun

•Gut inflammation

•Magnesium deficiency




•Insulin resistance

•Low cholesterol

•No gallbladder

A healthy person needs around 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day. If you have health concerns, you may need more.

Bruce Hollis Interview: Your Body Is BEGGING For Vitamin D!!


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